Sunday igboho latest news update

I'm assuming you're referring to Sunday Adeyemo, also known as Sunday Igboho, a Nigerian activist and leader of the Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC).

Here are some of the latest news updates about Sunday Igboho:

Recent Developments:

  1. Arrest and Detention: On July 1, 2021, Sunday Igboho was arrested at the Cadjehoun Airport in Cotonou, Benin Republic, while trying to travel to Germany. He was later detained by the Beninese authorities.
  2. Extradition Request: The Nigerian government has requested the extradition of Sunday Igboho from Benin Republic, citing allegations of terrorism and kidnapping.
  3. Detention Conditions: Igboho's lawyers have raised concerns about his detention conditions, alleging that he is being held in a small cell with poor ventilation and inadequate food.
  4. International Support: Several international organizations, including the African Bar Association and the International Committee of the Red Cross, have called for Igboho's release and expressed concerns about his detention conditions.
  5. Yoruba Nation Agitation: Igboho's arrest has sparked widespread protests and agitations among the Yoruba people, who are demanding his release and calling for self-determination.

Previous News Updates:

  1. Arrest of Co-Defendants: In June 2021, Igboho's co-defendants, including his lawyer, were arrested by the Nigerian police for allegedly being involved in the alleged kidnapping and murder of a traditional ruler in Oyo State.
  2. Igboho's Response: Igboho has denied all allegations against him, claiming that he is a peaceful activist fighting for the rights of the Yoruba people.
  3. OPC's Activities: The OPC, which Igboho leads, has been involved in several clashes with the Nigerian police and other security agencies, leading to the deaths of several people.
  4. International Pressure: The international community has been putting pressure on the Nigerian government to address the human rights abuses and violence perpetrated by the security agencies, particularly against the Yoruba people.

Please note that the situation is constantly evolving, and new updates may emerge at any time. I'll do my best to provide you with the latest information available.