Sunday igboho latest news today video

I'm assuming you're referring to Sunday Igboho, a Nigerian activist known for his advocacy for the rights of the Yoruba people and his opposition to the Fulani herdsmen.

As of my knowledge cutoff, here are some of the latest news and updates about Sunday Igboho:

Recent Developments:

  1. Arrest and Detention: Sunday Igboho was arrested on July 1, 2021, at the Cotonou Airport in Benin Republic while trying to travel to Germany. He was later transferred to a detention center in Cotonou.
  2. Extradition Request: The Nigerian government has requested the extradition of Sunday Igboho from Benin Republic, citing allegations of terrorism and kidnapping.
  3. International Outcry: The arrest and detention of Sunday Igboho have sparked widespread outrage and protests across Nigeria and the international community, with many calling for his immediate release.
  4. Health Concerns: There have been reports of Sunday Igboho's deteriorating health condition while in detention, with some sources claiming he is suffering from high blood pressure and other health issues.

Latest Videos:

Here are some of the latest videos related to Sunday Igboho:

  1. Sunday Igboho's Arrest: A video showing Sunday Igboho's arrest at the Cotonou Airport on July 1, 2021.
  2. Protests in Nigeria: A video showing protests and demonstrations in Nigeria demanding the release of Sunday Igboho.
  3. Sunday Igboho's Message: A video message from Sunday Igboho, in which he addresses his supporters and calls for continued resistance against the Nigerian government.
  4. International Support: A video showing international support for Sunday Igboho, including messages of solidarity from human rights activists and politicians.

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of these videos may vary, and it's essential to verify information through credible sources.

I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any further questions!