Sun news nigeria newspapers

Here are some popular Nigerian newspapers that cover news related to the sun:

  1. The Sun Nigeria: This is a popular Nigerian newspaper that covers news, sports, entertainment, and politics. It was founded in 2003 and is published by ThisDay Media Group.
  2. The Sun News: This is another popular Nigerian newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment. It was founded in 2005 and is published by The Sun Publishing Limited.
  3. The Sun Online: This is the online version of The Sun Nigeria, which provides up-to-date news, sports, and entertainment news to readers.
  4. The Punch: While not exclusively focused on the sun, The Punch is a popular Nigerian newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment, including stories related to the sun.
  5. Vanguard: Another popular Nigerian newspaper, Vanguard covers news, sports, and entertainment, including stories related to the sun.

Some of the top stories and headlines from these newspapers may include:

These newspapers are widely available in print and online, and can be accessed through their websites or mobile apps.