Sun news girl

You're referring to the iconic "Sun News Girl"!

The Sun News Girl was a popular character in the 1940s and 1950s, created by the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper. She was a cartoon character, a cheerful and energetic young woman with a big smile and a hat, who represented the newspaper's news coverage.

The Sun News Girl was designed by artist Ray Gotto, and she first appeared in the newspaper in 1942. She was meant to symbolize the idea that news was fun and exciting, and that the Sun-Times was the best source for getting the latest updates.

Over the years, the Sun News Girl became a beloved and recognizable symbol of the newspaper, appearing in countless cartoons, advertisements, and promotional materials. She was often depicted in various scenarios, such as reporting on news stories, interviewing celebrities, or simply enjoying the sunshine.

Although the Sun News Girl is no longer a prominent part of the Chicago Sun-Times' branding, she remains a nostalgic reminder of the newspaper's rich history and its commitment to delivering quality news to the public.