Sultan of sokoto news

The Sultan of Sokoto! Here are some recent news updates about the Sultanate Council and the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar III:

Recent News

  1. Sultan of Sokoto calls for calm in Nigeria: In the wake of the #EndSARS protests and subsequent violence, the Sultan of Sokoto urged Nigerians to remain calm and peaceful, emphasizing the need for dialogue and understanding. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Sultan of Sokoto meets with President Buhari: The Sultan of Sokoto met with President Muhammadu Buhari to discuss issues affecting the country, including the security situation and the economy. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  3. Sultan of Sokoto advocates for unity and tolerance: In a speech at the 2020 National Conference of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, the Sultan of Sokoto emphasized the importance of unity, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among Nigerians. (Source: Daily Trust)
  4. Sultan of Sokoto condoles with families of Kano explosion victims: The Sultan of Sokoto expressed his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in a recent explosion in Kano State. (Source: The Nation Newspaper)
  5. Sultan of Sokoto calls for prayers for Nigeria: The Sultan of Sokoto urged Nigerians to pray for the country, citing the challenges it faces, including insecurity, economic hardship, and corruption. (Source: Premium Times)


The Sultan of Sokoto is the spiritual leader of the Nigerian Muslim community and the President-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs. He is also the traditional ruler of the Sokoto Caliphate, a historic Islamic empire that once spanned across present-day Nigeria and parts of neighboring countries.

As the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar III plays a significant role in promoting Islamic values, fostering unity and tolerance among Nigerians, and providing spiritual guidance to the country's Muslim population.