Sudan pm hamdok survives assassination attempt

According to reports, Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has survived an assassination attempt in the capital city of Khartoum. The incident occurred on Monday, August 24, 2021, when Hamdok's motorcade was attacked by unknown assailants.

The Prime Minister was reportedly traveling in his convoy when it came under fire, but he managed to escape unharmed. The attack left several people injured, including some of Hamdok's bodyguards.

The Sudanese authorities have launched an investigation into the incident, and the country's military and security forces have been put on high alert to prevent any further violence.

Hamdok, who has been the Prime Minister of Sudan since August 2019, has been a key figure in the country's transition to democracy following the overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir in 2019. He has been working to implement reforms and stabilize the country, which has been facing numerous challenges, including economic instability and political unrest.

The attempted assassination of Hamdok has sparked widespread condemnation from international leaders and human rights organizations, who have called for an immediate investigation and for those responsible to be brought to justice.

It's worth noting that Sudan has been experiencing a fragile political situation since the military coup in October 2021, which led to the suspension of the country's transition to democracy. The situation remains tense, and the attempted assassination of Hamdok has raised concerns about the stability of the country.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!