Submit site to yahoo news

To submit your website to Yahoo News, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Submitting through Yahoo News' Sitemap

  1. Create a sitemap for your website using a tool like Sitemap Generator or Sitemap XML.
  2. Upload your sitemap to your website's root directory.
  3. Go to Yahoo News' Sitemap Submission page and fill out the form with your website's information.
  4. Enter your website's URL and sitemap URL in the respective fields.
  5. Click "Submit" to submit your sitemap to Yahoo News.

Method 2: Submitting through Yahoo News' Webmaster Tools

  1. Go to Yahoo News' Webmaster Tools page and sign in with your Yahoo account.
  2. Click on "Add a site" and enter your website's URL.
  3. Fill out the required information, including your website's title, description, and keywords.
  4. Click "Save" to add your website to Yahoo News' Webmaster Tools.
  5. Once your website is added, you can submit your sitemap to Yahoo News through the Webmaster Tools page.

Method 3: Submitting through Yahoo News' Contact Form

  1. Go to Yahoo News' Contact page and fill out the form with your website's information.
  2. In the "Description" field, provide a brief description of your website and why it's relevant to Yahoo News.
  3. Attach your sitemap file (in XML format) to the form.
  4. Click "Submit" to submit your website to Yahoo News.

Additional Tips

Remember that submitting your website to Yahoo News is not a guarantee of inclusion in their news feed. However, by following these steps, you can increase your chances of getting your website noticed by Yahoo News' editors and algorithms.