String solodigy code ethereum with line breaker

Here is the Solidity code for a simple "Solodigy" contract on Ethereum, with line breaks for readability:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Solodigy {
    // Mapping to store the player's score
    mapping (address => uint256) public scores;

    // Event emitted when a player scores
    event ScoreUpdated(address player, uint256 score);

    // Function to initialize the contract
    constructor() public {
        // Initialize the scores mapping
        scores[address(0)] = 0;

    // Function to update a player's score
    function updateScore(address player, uint256 score) public {
        // Check if the player exists in the scores mapping
        require(scores[player] > 0, "Player does not exist");

        // Update the player's score
        scores[player] = score;

        // Emit the ScoreUpdated event
        emit ScoreUpdated(player, score);

    // Function to get a player's score
    function getScore(address player) public view returns (uint256) {
        // Return the player's score
        return scores[player];

This contract has three main functions:

  1. updateScore: allows a player to update their score. It checks if the player exists in the scores mapping, updates their score, and emits a ScoreUpdated event.
  2. getScore: allows anyone to retrieve a player's score.
  3. constructor: initializes the scores mapping with a default value of 0 for the first player (address 0).

Note that this is a very basic implementation and you may want to add additional functionality, such as:

Also, keep in mind that this is a simplified example and you should always test and deploy your contract on a testnet before deploying it to the mainnet.