Strange weird news

Here are some strange and weird news stories from around the world:

  1. Giant Squid Washes Up on Beach: A 20-foot-long giant squid washed up on a beach in Japan, leaving scientists stunned. The squid was still intact, with its tentacles and eyes intact. (Source: CNN)
  2. Man Eats 50,000th Big Mac: A man in the UK has eaten his 50,000th Big Mac, setting a new record. The man, who has been eating one Big Mac per day for 40 years, said he's not planning to stop anytime soon. (Source: BBC)
  3. Woman Gives Birth to 10 Babies: A woman in Malawi has given birth to 10 babies, a rare condition known as octuplets. The babies are all healthy and are being cared for in a hospital. (Source: CNN)
  4. Mysterious Booms Heard Across the US: A series of mysterious booms have been heard across the US, with reports coming in from multiple states. The cause of the booms is unknown, but scientists are investigating. (Source: Fox News)
  5. Cat Survives 10 Days in Washing Machine: A cat in the UK survived being trapped in a washing machine for 10 days. The cat, named Max, was found alive and well after being rescued by firefighters. (Source: The Guardian)
  6. Man Finds 4.5-Carat Diamond in His Backyard: A man in the US found a 4.5-carat diamond in his backyard while gardening. The diamond is valued at $100,000. (Source: ABC News)
  7. Woman's Hair Grows 5 Feet Long: A woman in India has grown her hair to an incredible 5 feet long, setting a new record. The woman, who has been growing her hair for 10 years, said she's not planning to cut it anytime soon. (Source: The Times of India)
  8. Mysterious 'Ghost Ship' Washes Up on Beach: A mysterious "ghost ship" washed up on a beach in the UK, with no signs of its crew or cargo. The ship is believed to have been at sea for months. (Source: The Telegraph)
  9. Man Eats 300 Pounds of Spaghetti: A man in Italy ate 300 pounds of spaghetti in one sitting, setting a new record. The man, who is a professional eater, said he's not planning to stop anytime soon. (Source: The Daily Mail)
  10. Woman Gives Birth to 'Miracle Baby' After Being Pregnant for 37 Years: A woman in the US gave birth to a "miracle baby" after being pregnant for 37 years. The baby is healthy and is being cared for in a hospital. (Source: CNN)

These are just a few examples of the strange and weird news stories that have been making headlines recently.