Straight news writing

Here is a sample of straight news writing:


Local Business Owner Arrested for Fraud


Police Investigate Allegations of Embezzlement at Downtown Store


A local business owner was arrested yesterday on suspicion of fraud, according to police officials. The 35-year-old owner of "ABC Store" in downtown [City] was taken into custody at 10:00 am after a lengthy investigation into allegations of embezzlement.

According to police, the owner is accused of misappropriating funds from the store, which has been in operation for over 10 years. The exact amount of money allegedly stolen is still unknown, but authorities say it is in the tens of thousands of dollars.

The investigation began several weeks ago after an anonymous tip was received by the police department. Detectives spent several days reviewing financial records and conducting interviews with employees and customers before making the arrest.

The owner is currently being held at the [City] Jail pending a bail hearing. No charges have been officially filed at this time, but police say they expect to file multiple counts of fraud and embezzlement.

The store has been closed temporarily while the investigation continues. Employees were seen leaving the building yesterday afternoon, and a sign on the door reads "Closed due to unforeseen circumstances."

The incident has left many in the community shocked and concerned. "I've been shopping at that store for years, and I never would have suspected anything like this," said one customer. "I hope they get to the bottom of it and make sure justice is served."


Note: This is just a sample, and in a real news article, you would include more details, quotes from authorities and witnesses, and additional context.