Storm breaker design for sewer

A Storm Breaker is a device designed to reduce the impact of stormwater runoff on sewer systems. Here's a general design concept for a Storm Breaker:


  1. Inlet Chamber: A large, rectangular chamber that collects stormwater runoff from the surrounding area. The inlet chamber is designed to slow down the flow of water, allowing sediment and debris to settle.
  2. Screening System: A series of screens or grates that capture larger debris, such as leaves, branches, and other obstructions, preventing them from entering the sewer system.
  3. Flow Control Valve: A valve that regulates the flow of water into the sewer system, ensuring that the system is not overwhelmed during heavy rainfall events.
  4. Settling Chamber: A chamber where the water flows slowly, allowing sediment and suspended solids to settle to the bottom.
  5. Underdrain System: A network of pipes and trenches that collect the settled sediment and debris, conveying them to a disposal site or treatment facility.
  6. Outlet Chamber: A chamber that connects to the sewer system, allowing treated water to flow into the system.

Design Considerations:

  1. Size: The Storm Breaker should be designed to accommodate the maximum expected stormwater runoff volume and flow rate for the surrounding area.
  2. Material: The Storm Breaker should be constructed using durable, corrosion-resistant materials, such as concrete, steel, or fiberglass.
  3. Screening System: The screening system should be designed to capture debris and sediment effectively, while allowing water to pass through.
  4. Flow Control Valve: The flow control valve should be designed to regulate the flow of water into the sewer system, preventing surcharging and overflows.
  5. Settling Chamber: The settling chamber should be designed to allow for adequate settling time, ensuring that suspended solids and sediment are effectively removed from the water.
  6. Underdrain System: The underdrain system should be designed to convey settled sediment and debris to a disposal site or treatment facility, minimizing the risk of clogging or blockages.
  7. Outlet Chamber: The outlet chamber should be designed to connect to the sewer system, ensuring a smooth transition and minimizing the risk of surcharging or overflows.


  1. Improved Water Quality: The Storm Breaker helps to remove sediment, debris, and pollutants from stormwater runoff, improving water quality in the sewer system and receiving waters.
  2. Reduced Maintenance: The Storm Breaker reduces the risk of clogging and blockages in the sewer system, minimizing maintenance requirements and reducing the risk of overflows and backups.
  3. Increased Capacity: The Storm Breaker can increase the capacity of the sewer system, allowing it to handle larger stormwater runoff volumes and flows.
  4. Enhanced Public Health: By reducing the risk of overflows and backups, the Storm Breaker helps to protect public health and safety.


  1. Space Constraints: Storm Breakers may require significant space, which can be a challenge in urban areas with limited land availability.
  2. Cost: The design and construction of a Storm Breaker can be costly, particularly if complex screening systems or flow control valves are required.
  3. Maintenance: While the Storm Breaker reduces maintenance requirements, it still requires regular maintenance and inspections to ensure optimal performance.

Overall, a well-designed Storm Breaker can be an effective solution for reducing the impact of stormwater runoff on sewer systems, improving water quality, and enhancing public health and safety.