Stop media trial tukur mamus newspaper firm warns dss the eagle online

It appears that the headline is:

"Stop Media Trial, Tukur's Newspaper Firm Warns DSS - The Eagle Online"

Here's a breakdown of the article:

The headline suggests that a newspaper firm, possibly owned by a prominent individual, is warning the Department of State Services (DSS) to stop what appears to be a "media trial" against its owner, Tukur.

A "media trial" refers to the practice of using the media to try and discredit or defame an individual or organization, often through sensationalized or biased reporting.

The article likely implies that the DSS has been using the media to spread negative information about Tukur, and the newspaper firm is warning them to stop this practice.

The article may also suggest that the DSS has been using its powers to influence or manipulate the media to achieve its goals, which is a concern for the newspaper firm and potentially for the public as well.

Overall, the article appears to be a warning to the DSS to respect the rights of individuals and organizations to fair treatment and to avoid using the media to further its own agenda.