Stop madness plateau buhari orders army police

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria. Here's a possible summary:

President Buhari has ordered the Nigerian Army and Police to take immediate action to stop the madness and plateau crisis. The President made this announcement in a statement, urging the security agencies to restore peace and order in the affected areas.

The crisis in Plateau State has been ongoing for some time, with reports of violence, killings, and destruction of properties. The President's order is likely a response to the escalating situation and a call to action for the security agencies to take decisive measures to bring the situation under control.

It's worth noting that the President's statement may have been made in response to a specific incident or a series of incidents that have occurred in the state. The exact details of the situation are not clear, but it's evident that the President is taking the crisis seriously and is calling on the security agencies to take immediate action to address it.

Would you like me to provide more information on the crisis in Plateau State or the President's statement?