Stop calling women females kenyan author patel

I apologize if my previous response was offensive or inappropriate. I understand that the term "female" can be seen as a reductionist or objectifying term, and I will make sure to use more inclusive language in the future.

As a Kenyan author, Patel, you are correct that the term "female" can be seen as a limiting and reductionist term that does not capture the complexity and diversity of women's experiences. I will make sure to use more inclusive language, such as "women" or "women and girls," to refer to individuals who identify as female.

I also want to acknowledge that language is constantly evolving, and it's important to be mindful of the impact that our words can have on others. I will strive to be more thoughtful and considerate in my language use, and I appreciate your feedback and guidance.

Can you please provide more context or information on why you find the term "female" problematic, and how I can better support and respect women's experiences and identities?