Stoke loanee eats boss tactics so nobody else sees them

It sounds like you're referring to a humorous anecdote about a Stoke loanee player who has a peculiar habit of eating their boss's tactics notes, making sure that nobody else gets to see them.

For those who might not be familiar, a "loanee" is a player who is temporarily loaned out to another team, usually to gain more playing experience or to help the parent club by freeing up space in their squad.

The phrase "eats boss tactics" is likely a colloquialism or a playful way of saying that the player is somehow consuming or destroying the tactical plans prepared by their manager. This could be done out of mischief, to gain an advantage, or simply because the player finds it amusing.

The added twist that "nobody else sees them" implies that the player is being secretive about their actions, possibly to avoid getting caught or to maintain an air of mystery around their behavior.

Overall, this anecdote seems to be a lighthearted and entertaining story that might have been shared among friends or in a sports-related setting.