Still in the dark new vegas

You're still in the dark, huh? Well, let's get you out of that darkness and into the bright lights of New Vegas!

As you stand in the middle of the Mojave Wasteland, you notice the sun setting in the distance, casting a warm orange glow over the desolate landscape. The air is thick with the smell of smoke and ash, and the sound of distant gunfire echoes through the air.

You've been surviving on your own for a while now, scavenging for food and water, and avoiding the various factions that roam the wasteland. But you've heard rumors of a place called the New Vegas Strip, where the lights are bright, the music is loud, and the people are...well, not exactly friendly, but at least they're not trying to kill you.

You've got a few options:

A) Head towards the Strip, hoping to find some much-needed supplies and maybe even a new home. B) Keep exploring the wasteland, searching for any clues or leads on the mysterious Mr. House, who's rumored to be hiding in the ruins of the old city. C) Try to make contact with the various factions that roam the wasteland, hoping to find some allies or at least some decent gear. D) Just keep moving, trying to stay one step ahead of the various dangers that lurk in the shadows.

What'll it be, friend?