Stellenbosch coach steve barker predicts wholl win dstv premiership title

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on a coach named Steve Barker predicting the winner of the DSTV Premiership title. It's possible that the information you're looking for is not publicly available or that the prediction was made privately.

However, I can suggest some ways for you to find the information you're looking for:

  1. Check the official website of the DSTV Premiership or the Stellenbosch FC team to see if they have any information on predictions or forecasts made by coaches or other officials.
  2. Look for articles or interviews with Steve Barker or other coaches in the DSTV Premiership to see if they have made any predictions about the title winner.
  3. Check social media platforms or sports news websites to see if they have any information on predictions made by coaches or other officials.