Standard newspaper kenya latest news

Here are the latest news headlines from standard newspaper Kenya:

Top Stories

  1. Uhuru's Big Four Agenda: President Kenyatta Launches Sh1.3 Trillion Infrastructure Projects - President Uhuru Kenyatta has launched a Sh1.3 trillion infrastructure development project aimed at improving the country's transportation network and boosting economic growth.
  2. Raila Odinga's Azimio La Umoja Party Wins Nairobi Governor's Seat - Raila Odinga's Azimio La Umoja party has won the Nairobi governor's seat, with its candidate, Polycarp Igathe, emerging victorious in the closely contested election.
  3. Kenya's COVID-19 Cases Surge to 103,000 as Death Toll Reaches 1,800 - Kenya has recorded a surge in COVID-19 cases, with the number of infections rising to 103,000 and the death toll reaching 1,800.
  4. TSC to Hire 10,000 Teachers to Address Shortage - The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced plans to hire 10,000 teachers to address the shortage of educators in the country's schools.
  5. Kenya's Economy to Grow by 6.3% in 2022, Says IMF - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected that Kenya's economy will grow by 6.3% in 2022, driven by a recovery in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors.

National News

  1. Police Launch Manhunt for Suspects Behind Mombasa Terror Attack - The police have launched a manhunt for suspects behind a terror attack in Mombasa that left several people injured.
  2. Kenya's Wheat Production Hits 10-Year Low - Kenya's wheat production has hit a 10-year low, with the country's wheat farmers struggling to recover from a prolonged drought.
  3. Kenya's Power Blackouts to Continue as KPLC Fails to Meet Demand - Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) has warned that power blackouts will continue in the coming days as the company struggles to meet the increasing demand for electricity.
  4. Kenya's Education Ministry to Introduce New Curriculum in 2023 - The Education Ministry has announced plans to introduce a new curriculum in 2023, aimed at improving the quality of education in the country's schools.
  5. Kenya's Tourism Industry Sees Surge in Visitors - Kenya's tourism industry has seen a surge in visitors, with the country's national parks and game reserves attracting a record number of tourists.

International News

  1. US Imposes Sanctions on Kenyan Officials Over Corruption - The United States has imposed sanctions on several Kenyan officials over corruption allegations, in a move aimed at combating graft in the country.
  2. Kenya and Uganda Sign Oil Pipeline Deal - Kenya and Uganda have signed a deal to build a crude oil pipeline that will connect the two countries and reduce the cost of transporting oil.
  3. Kenya's Foreign Minister Meets with US Secretary of State - Kenya's Foreign Minister, Raychelle Omamo, has met with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to discuss issues of mutual interest, including trade and security.
  4. Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta to Attend AU Summit - President Uhuru Kenyatta is set to attend the African Union (AU) summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he will discuss issues of regional and continental importance.
  5. Kenya's Opposition Leader Raila Odinga Meets with EU Envoy - Opposition leader Raila Odinga has met with the European Union (EU) envoy to Kenya, to discuss issues of democracy and human rights in the country.

These are just some of the latest news headlines from the Standard newspaper Kenya.