Stakeholders seek infrastructure development for new port city in lagos

Stakeholders Seek Infrastructure Development for New Port City in Lagos

Lagos, Nigeria - A group of stakeholders in the maritime industry has called for the development of infrastructure to support the establishment of a new port city in Lagos, Nigeria. The stakeholders, comprising government officials, private sector operators, and experts, emphasized the need for a well-planned and executed infrastructure development plan to ensure the success of the project.

The new port city, which is expected to be located in the Badagry area of Lagos, is designed to serve as a major hub for international trade and commerce in West Africa. The project is expected to create thousands of jobs, stimulate economic growth, and increase Nigeria's revenue from trade.

However, the stakeholders noted that the success of the project depends on the availability of adequate infrastructure, including roads, rail, and waterways. They emphasized that the infrastructure must be designed to accommodate the expected volume of traffic and cargo, and must be able to withstand the test of time.

"We cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past by building infrastructure that is not sustainable," said a stakeholder, who preferred to remain anonymous. "We need to plan carefully and invest in infrastructure that will support the growth of the port city for generations to come."

The stakeholders also called for the development of a comprehensive master plan for the port city, which would outline the vision, goals, and objectives of the project. They emphasized that the master plan must be based on a thorough analysis of the needs of the port city and the surrounding community.

"We need a master plan that takes into account the needs of the port city, the surrounding community, and the environment," said another stakeholder. "We cannot afford to ignore the impact of the project on the environment and the community."

The stakeholders also emphasized the need for public-private partnerships to finance the infrastructure development project. They noted that the project is expected to be expensive, and that the government alone cannot finance it.

"We need to attract private sector investment to finance the project," said a stakeholder. "We need to create a conducive environment for private sector operators to invest in the project."

The stakeholders also called for the establishment of a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to manage the project. They noted that the SPV must be responsible for the planning, design, construction, and operation of the infrastructure.

"We need a SPV that is responsible for the project from start to finish," said another stakeholder. "We need to ensure that the project is managed professionally and efficiently."

The stakeholders also emphasized the need for the government to provide a clear policy framework for the project. They noted that the policy framework must be designed to attract investment, promote economic growth, and create jobs.

"We need a policy framework that is designed to support the growth of the port city," said a stakeholder. "We need to create a conducive environment for investment and job creation."

In conclusion, the stakeholders emphasized that the success of the new port city project depends on the availability of adequate infrastructure, a comprehensive master plan, public-private partnerships, a special purpose vehicle, and a clear policy framework. They called on the government to take a proactive role in ensuring the success of the project.

"We urge the government to take a proactive role in ensuring the success of the project," said a stakeholder. "We need to work together to create a world-class port city that will serve as a major hub for international trade and commerce in West Africa."