Spy poisoning russian diplomats set to leave uk

A significant development in the ongoing saga of the Salisbury poisoning incident!

According to reports, the Russian diplomats who were expelled from the UK in response to the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with a nerve agent in March 2018 are set to leave the country.

Here's a quick recap:

Now, it appears that the Russian diplomats who were expelled from the UK are finally set to leave the country. According to the BBC, the diplomats have been given a deadline of March 26 to depart, and it's expected that they will leave the UK by then.

This development comes as the UK and Russia continue to trade barbs over the Salisbury incident. The UK has accused Russia of using the attack as a "tool of state power" to target its enemies, while Russia has denied any involvement and accused the UK of trying to "demonize" Russia.

The poisoning incident has had significant diplomatic fallout, with many countries expelling Russian diplomats in solidarity with the UK. The incident has also led to increased tensions between Russia and the West, with many countries imposing sanctions on Russia in response.

It remains to be seen what the long-term implications of this incident will be, but it's clear that the Salisbury poisoning has had a significant impact on international relations and the global political landscape.