Spy chemical attack new zealand joins britain others in condemning russia #comments

Here are some potential comments for the article:

Comment 1 "Absolutely right, NZ should stand with the UK and other allies in condemning Russia's actions. We can't let them get away with this kind of aggression."

Comment 2 "I'm so proud of our government for taking a strong stance against Russia. We need to stand up for what's right and support our allies in this situation."

Comment 3 "This is a clear case of chemical warfare and Russia needs to be held accountable. I hope the international community comes together to condemn this attack and support the victims."

Comment 4 "I'm shocked that Russia would resort to such tactics. It's a clear violation of international law and a threat to global security. We need to take a firm stance against this kind of behavior."

Comment 5 "New Zealand has a reputation for being a peaceful and neutral country, but in this case, we need to stand up for what's right and condemn Russia's actions. I hope our government will continue to work with the international community to address this situation."

Comment 6 "This is a wake-up call for the world. We can't let Russia get away with this kind of aggression. We need to come together as a global community to condemn this attack and support the victims."

Comment 7 "I'm glad to see our government taking a strong stance against Russia. We need to stand up for our values and support our allies in this situation. Let's hope the international community will follow suit."

Comment 8 "This is a clear case of chemical warfare and Russia needs to be held accountable. I hope the international community will come together to condemn this attack and support the victims. We can't let Russia get away with this kind of behavior."