Sputnik news military

Sputnik News is a Russian state-owned news agency that provides news and analysis on various topics, including military affairs. Here are some recent articles and updates from Sputnik News related to military issues:

  1. Russia's Military Modernization: Sputnik News has reported on Russia's efforts to modernize its military, including the development of new weapons systems, such as the S-500 air defense system and the Avangard hypersonic missile.
  2. Ukraine Conflict: Sputnik News has provided extensive coverage of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, including reports on the fighting between Ukrainian government forces and separatist rebels, as well as the humanitarian situation in the region.
  3. NATO-Russia Tensions: Sputnik News has reported on the tensions between NATO and Russia, including the deployment of NATO troops to Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, and Russia's response to these moves.
  4. Russian Military Exercises: Sputnik News has reported on various Russian military exercises, including the Zapad-2021 exercise, which involved thousands of troops and was seen as a response to NATO's military buildup in Eastern Europe.
  5. Russian Navy: Sputnik News has reported on the Russian Navy's activities, including its deployment of warships to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and its involvement in international naval exercises.
  6. Russian Aerospace Forces: Sputnik News has reported on the Russian Aerospace Forces, including their involvement in the Syrian conflict and their development of new aircraft and missile systems.
  7. Russian Military Bases: Sputnik News has reported on the establishment of new Russian military bases in various parts of the world, including Syria, Venezuela, and the Arctic region.
  8. Russian Military Technology: Sputnik News has reported on the development of new Russian military technologies, including hypersonic weapons, artificial intelligence, and cyber warfare capabilities.
  9. Russian Military Cooperation: Sputnik News has reported on Russia's military cooperation with other countries, including China, India, and Iran, and its involvement in international military organizations such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).
  10. Russian Military Budget: Sputnik News has reported on Russia's military budget, including the country's plans to increase its military spending in the coming years.

Some recent articles from Sputnik News on military issues include:

Please note that Sputnik News is a state-owned news agency, and its reporting may reflect the Russian government's perspective on military issues.