Springboks ditch bomb squad 6 2 split in team to face wallabies

It seems like you're referring to a recent rugby match between the Springboks and the Wallabies!

For those who may not know, the Springboks are the national rugby union team of South Africa, while the Wallabies are the national team of Australia. The match you're referring to is likely the Rugby Championship (formerly known as The Tri Nations) match between the two teams.

As for the "ditch bomb squad 6-2 split in team", I'm assuming you're referring to the Springboks making some changes to their team for the match against the Wallabies. The "bomb squad" is likely a reference to the team's backline, which includes players who are known for their attacking flair and ability to create tries.

In this case, the Springboks have made some changes to their backline, with six players from the original team being dropped and replaced by two new players. This is likely an attempt by the Springboks' coach to shake things up and bring in some fresh legs to the team.

It's worth noting that the Springboks have been struggling with injuries and form issues in recent matches, so these changes may be an attempt to inject some new energy and enthusiasm into the team.