Springboks defend 19 changes as wales legend gareth edwards cries foul

I think there may be some confusion here!

The Springboks are the national rugby union team of South Africa, and they have not defended 19 changes. The team has undergone some changes in recent years, but I'm not aware of any specific instance where they defended 19 changes.

Gareth Edwards is a legendary Welsh rugby union player, but I'm not aware of any instance where he cried foul over the Springboks defending 19 changes. Edwards is known for his iconic try for the Barbarians against New Zealand in 1973, and he has been involved in various rugby-related activities over the years, but I'm not aware of any specific controversy involving the Springboks and 19 changes.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you're referring to, I'd be happy to try and help you further!