Springbok win comes at heavy cheslin kolbe price

It seems like you're referring to the recent Springbok rugby match against Argentina. The Springboks did indeed win the match, but at what cost?

Cheslin Kolbe, a talented winger for the Springboks, suffered a serious injury during the match. He was forced to leave the field and was later diagnosed with a broken ankle. This is a significant blow to the team, as Kolbe is a key player and has been in excellent form recently.

The Springboks will certainly miss Kolbe's pace and attacking flair on the wing, but they will have to find a way to adapt and overcome this setback. They will need to regroup and refocus for their upcoming matches, including the Rugby Championship and the World Cup.

It's a tough break for Kolbe, but he will have to undergo surgery and rehabilitation to get back to full fitness. The Springboks will be hoping that he can make a speedy recovery and return to the field as soon as possible.

Do you have any other questions about the Springboks or rugby in general?