Spring cloud circuit breaker

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker is a library that provides a circuit breaker pattern implementation for Spring-based applications. The circuit breaker pattern is a design pattern that helps to prevent cascading failures in distributed systems by detecting and isolating failures in a service or component.

What is a Circuit Breaker?

A circuit breaker is a component that monitors the availability of a service or component and, when it detects a failure, opens a circuit to prevent further requests from being sent to the failed service. This helps to prevent cascading failures, where a failure in one service causes a chain reaction of failures in other services.

How does Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker work?

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker provides a simple and easy-to-use API for implementing the circuit breaker pattern in Spring-based applications. Here's an overview of how it works:

  1. Registration: You register a service or component with the circuit breaker, specifying the service's URL or endpoint.
  2. Monitoring: The circuit breaker monitors the service's availability by sending periodic requests to the service.
  3. Failure detection: When the circuit breaker detects a failure (e.g., a timeout or an exception), it opens the circuit and prevents further requests from being sent to the service.
  4. Reset: After a configured timeout period, the circuit breaker resets the circuit and allows requests to be sent to the service again.

Key Features

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker provides several key features, including:

  1. Automatic circuit breaker: The library automatically detects and opens the circuit when a service fails.
  2. Configurable timeout: You can configure the timeout period for the circuit breaker.
  3. Fallback: You can specify a fallback response to return when the circuit is open.
  4. Integration with Spring Boot: Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker is designed to work seamlessly with Spring Boot applications.

Use Cases

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker is useful in scenarios where you need to:

  1. Prevent cascading failures: When a service fails, you want to prevent further requests from being sent to the service to prevent cascading failures.
  2. Improve system resilience: By detecting and isolating failures, you can improve the overall resilience of your system.
  3. Reduce latency: By preventing requests from being sent to a failed service, you can reduce latency and improve the overall performance of your system.


Here's an example of how you might use Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker in a Spring Boot application:

public class MyController {

  private MyService myService;

  public String myEndpoint() {
    return myService.doSomething();

public class MyService {

  @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallback")
  public String doSomething() {
    // Call an external service or perform some other operation

  public String fallback() {
    return "Service is currently unavailable";

In this example, the MyService class is annotated with @HystrixCommand, which enables the circuit breaker pattern. The fallback method is called when the circuit is open, and it returns a fallback response to the client.


Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker is a powerful library that helps you implement the circuit breaker pattern in your Spring-based applications. By detecting and isolating failures, you can improve the resilience and performance of your system.