Spring breakers costume

A Spring Breakers costume! That's a fun and playful idea. Here are some tips to help you create a costume inspired by the 2012 film:

Main Characters:

  1. Brit (Selena Gomez): Go for a sweet and innocent look with a pastel-colored bikini, a pair of high-waisted shorts, and a pair of flip flops. Add a few beachy waves to your hair and a subtle makeup look.
  2. Faith (Selena Gomez): Channel Faith's edgy and rebellious vibe with a bold, bright-colored bikini, a pair of distressed denim shorts, and a pair of combat boots. Add some bold, bright lip color and a messy, undone hairstyle.
  3. Cotty (Rachel Korine): Embody Cotty's sassy and confident personality with a bright, neon-colored bikini, a pair of high-waisted, tight-fitting shorts, and a pair of strappy sandals. Add some bold, colorful eye shadow and a sassy attitude.


Tips and Tricks:

I hope these tips help you create a Spring Breakers-inspired costume that's sure to turn heads!