Splinter news

Splinter News is a progressive news website that focuses on in-depth reporting and analysis on a wide range of topics, including politics, social justice, and culture. Here are some of the key features and areas of focus for Splinter News:

  1. Investigative reporting: Splinter News is known for its in-depth investigative reporting on topics such as government corruption, corporate malfeasance, and social justice issues.
  2. Progressive politics: The website is committed to progressive values and often reports on issues related to politics, including elections, policy, and social movements.
  3. Social justice: Splinter News covers a wide range of social justice issues, including racial justice, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and disability rights.
  4. Culture and entertainment: The website also covers culture and entertainment news, including film, television, music, and literature.
  5. Opinion and commentary: Splinter News features a range of opinion and commentary pieces from writers and experts in various fields.

Some of the key areas of focus for Splinter News include:

  1. The Trump administration: The website has been critical of the Trump administration and has reported extensively on its policies and actions.
  2. Climate change: Splinter News has covered the issue of climate change and its impact on the environment and society.
  3. Racial justice: The website has reported on issues related to racial justice, including police brutality, systemic racism, and racial inequality.
  4. Women's rights: Splinter News has covered issues related to women's rights, including reproductive rights, gender equality, and sexual harassment.
  5. LGBTQ+ rights: The website has reported on issues related to LGBTQ+ rights, including marriage equality, transgender rights, and discrimination.

Overall, Splinter News is a progressive news website that focuses on in-depth reporting and analysis on a wide range of topics.