Spicer attacks double standard in response to wikileaks dump #

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by Sean Spicer, the former White House Press Secretary, in response to the WikiLeaks dump.

According to reports, Spicer criticized the media for applying a double standard in their coverage of the WikiLeaks dump. He argued that the media was more critical of the Trump administration's handling of the situation compared to how they handled similar situations in the past.

Spicer specifically pointed out that the media was quick to condemn the Trump administration for its response to the WikiLeaks dump, but they were less critical of the Obama administration's handling of similar situations. He also argued that the media was more focused on the political implications of the WikiLeaks dump rather than the actual content of the leaked documents.

It's worth noting that Spicer's comments were likely in response to the media's criticism of the Trump administration's handling of the WikiLeaks dump, which included the administration's decision to not comment on the contents of the leaked documents and instead focus on the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Overall, Spicer's comments reflect the ongoing debate about the role of the media in covering political scandals and the perceived double standard in their coverage of different administrations.