Spanish news website

Here are some popular Spanish news websites:

  1. El País ( - One of the most widely read and respected Spanish newspapers, with a strong online presence.
  2. El Mundo ( - Another major Spanish newspaper with a large online following.
  3. La Vanguardia ( - A leading Catalan newspaper with a strong online presence.
  4. ABC ( - A conservative Spanish newspaper with a significant online following.
  5. El Periódico de Catalunya ( - A Catalan newspaper with a strong online presence.
  6. 20 Minutos ( - A popular online news site with a focus on breaking news and current events.
  7. Europa Press ( - A Spanish news agency with a strong online presence.
  8. Agencia EFE ( - A Spanish news agency with a global reach and a strong online presence.
  9. La Razón ( - A conservative Spanish newspaper with a significant online following.
  10. El Confidencial ( - A Spanish online news site with a focus on investigative journalism and current events.

These are just a few examples of the many Spanish news websites available online. You can also find news websites focused on specific regions, such as Catalonia or the Basque Country, as well as news websites focused on specific topics, such as sports or entertainment.