Spain plans only yes means yes rape law

You're referring to the "only yes means yes" law in Spain, also known as the "Law on Sexual Consent" or "Ley de Consentimiento Sexual". This law was passed in 2015 and aims to clarify the concept of sexual consent in Spain.

The law states that sexual activity requires the explicit and enthusiastic consent of all parties involved, and that consent must be ongoing throughout the sexual encounter. In other words, it's not enough for one person to give consent at the beginning of the encounter; consent must be re-established and reaffirmed throughout the activity.

The law also makes it clear that silence, lack of resistance, or previous sexual activity with someone does not imply consent. Additionally, the law prohibits sexual activity with someone who is unable to give consent, such as a minor or someone who is incapacitated due to alcohol or drugs.

The "only yes means yes" approach is designed to shift the focus from what constitutes non-consent (e.g., no, silence, or resistance) to what constitutes consent (e.g., enthusiastic and explicit "yes"). This approach aims to promote a culture of consent and respect for sexual autonomy, and to reduce the incidence of sexual violence and harassment.

It's worth noting that this law is not unique to Spain, as many other countries have similar laws and regulations in place to address sexual consent and violence.