Spain imposes near total lockdown to fight virus

Spain has indeed imposed a near-total lockdown to combat the spread of COVID-19. Here are the details:

What's the situation?

As of March 14, 2020, Spain has reported over 28,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 1,500 deaths. The country is experiencing a rapid increase in cases, with the number of infected people doubling every 3-4 days.

What measures have been taken?

To combat the spread of the virus, the Spanish government has implemented a series of measures, including:

  1. Nationwide lockdown: All non-essential businesses, including restaurants, bars, and shops, have been closed until further notice. Only essential services, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, and healthcare facilities, remain open.
  2. Stay-at-home order: Citizens are required to stay at home, except for essential trips, such as buying food or medicine, or traveling to work if deemed essential.
  3. Travel restrictions: All non-essential travel is banned, including domestic and international travel.
  4. Public gatherings banned: All public gatherings, including sports events, concerts, and festivals, have been canceled.
  5. Border controls: Spain has strengthened its border controls, with increased checks on travelers arriving from affected areas.

What are the exceptions?

While the lockdown is in place, there are some exceptions:

  1. Essential workers: Healthcare professionals, emergency services, and other essential workers are exempt from the lockdown.
  2. Food and medicine delivery: Delivery services for food and medicine are allowed to continue.
  3. Funeral services: Funeral services are allowed to continue, with strict hygiene measures in place.

What's the impact?

The lockdown has had a significant impact on daily life in Spain, with many people forced to stay at home and adapt to a new normal. The economic impact is also significant, with many businesses forced to close or operate at reduced capacity.

What's the outlook?

The Spanish government has said that the lockdown will remain in place until the number of new cases decreases significantly. The country is working to increase its testing capacity and contact tracing efforts to better understand the spread of the virus and contain it.

I hope this information helps!