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You're looking for the latest news on Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the RevolutionNow movement. Here are some recent updates:

Latest News:

  1. Court Adjourns Nnamdi Kanu's Trial: The trial of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has been adjourned to October 21, 2021. Kanu is facing charges of treasonable felony and other related offenses.
  2. RevolutionNow Protesters Arrested: Several protesters who participated in the RevolutionNow protest on October 1, 2021, have been arrested by the Nigerian police. The protest was held to mark the country's independence day and to demand good governance and an end to police brutality.
  3. IPOB Denies Involvement in Enugu Attack: The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has denied involvement in an attack on a police station in Enugu, Nigeria. The attack, which occurred on October 2, 2021, left several police officers injured.
  4. Nnamdi Kanu's Health Condition: There have been reports of Nnamdi Kanu's deteriorating health condition while in detention. His lawyers have called for his release, citing concerns about his health and well-being.


Nnamdi Kanu is the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), a separatist group that seeks to create an independent state of Biafra from Nigeria. He was arrested in 2015 and has been in detention since then, facing charges of treasonable felony and other related offenses.

The RevolutionNow movement is a protest movement that was launched in 2020 to demand good governance, an end to police brutality, and an end to the economic crisis in Nigeria. The movement has been led by several activists, including Omoyele Sowore, who was arrested in 2019 and has been in detention since then.

I hope this information is helpful.