South south govs agree on regional security outfit

A significant development in Nigeria!

According to reports, the Governors of the South-South region of Nigeria have agreed to establish a regional security outfit to tackle the growing security challenges in the region.

The decision was reached during a meeting of the South-South Governors' Forum held in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, on Tuesday, February 23, 2021.

The new security outfit, which will be known as the South-South Security Outfit (SSSO), is aimed at addressing the rising cases of kidnapping, armed robbery, and other forms of criminality in the region.

The SSSO will be responsible for providing intelligence gathering, surveillance, and rapid response to security threats in the region. It will also work closely with the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies to ensure effective coordination and synergy.

The decision to establish the SSSO is seen as a bold step towards addressing the security challenges facing the region, which has been plagued by criminal activities in recent times.

The South-South Governors' Forum, which comprises the Governors of Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, and Rivers States, has been working together to address the region's developmental challenges, including security.

The establishment of the SSSO is expected to enhance the security of the region and provide a sense of safety and confidence for residents and investors.

It's a positive development that demonstrates the commitment of the South-South Governors to the security and well-being of their people.