South korea considering complaint to china over thaad retaliation minister

You're referring to the recent tensions between South Korea and China over the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea.

According to reports, South Korea's Defense Minister, Jeong Kyeong-doo, has stated that the country is considering filing a complaint with China over Beijing's retaliation against Seoul over the THAAD deployment. The complaint would likely focus on China's economic retaliation against South Korea, which has included restrictions on Korean imports and a boycott of Korean goods.

The THAAD system was deployed in South Korea in 2017 to counter the growing nuclear and missile threats from North Korea. China has strongly opposed the deployment, viewing it as a threat to its own national security and a symbol of the US military's presence in the region.

In response to the deployment, China has taken several measures to punish South Korea, including:

  1. Imposing restrictions on Korean imports: China has restricted imports of Korean goods, including cosmetics, food, and electronics.
  2. Boycott of Korean goods: Chinese consumers have been encouraged to boycott Korean products, leading to a significant decline in Korean exports to China.
  3. Travel restrictions: China has imposed travel restrictions on South Korean citizens, making it more difficult for them to visit China.

South Korea has been seeking to resolve the issue through diplomatic channels, but so far, China has refused to back down. The country's government has also been working to diversify its trade relationships and reduce its dependence on China.

It's worth noting that the THAAD deployment has also led to tensions between South Korea and the United States, with some Koreans expressing concerns about the system's potential impact on their country's sovereignty and national security. However, the South Korean government has maintained that the system is necessary to protect the country from North Korean threats.