South east govs 90 days to establish regional security outfit

You're referring to the recent development in Nigeria where the South East Governors have given themselves a 90-day ultimatum to establish a regional security outfit.

Here's a brief summary:

On August 24, 2021, the South East Governors' Forum, comprising the governors of Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, and Abia states, announced that they would establish a regional security outfit to tackle the growing insecurity in the region. The decision was made during a meeting of the governors in Enugu.

The governors gave themselves a 90-day ultimatum to establish the outfit, which will be responsible for providing security and maintaining law and order in the region. The outfit will also work closely with the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies to combat crime and ensure the safety of citizens.

The decision to establish a regional security outfit was prompted by the increasing cases of kidnapping, armed robbery, and other forms of criminality in the South East region. The governors believe that a regional security outfit will be more effective in addressing the security challenges facing the region, as it will allow for a more coordinated and targeted approach to security.

The establishment of the regional security outfit is also seen as a response to the growing concerns about the activities of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Eastern Security Network (ESN), which have been accused of engaging in violent activities in the region.

It remains to be seen how the establishment of the regional security outfit will unfold, and whether it will be effective in addressing the security challenges facing the South East region.