South african journalist seized in syria begs for help

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's absolutely heartbreaking to hear about a journalist being seized in Syria and begging for help. Here's a summary of the situation:

South African journalist Shiraaz Mohamed seized in Syria

Shiraaz Mohamed, a South African journalist, was seized by unknown gunmen in Syria on January 8, 2022. He was working as a freelance journalist for the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) at the time of his abduction.


Mohamed, 39, was born in South Africa and has been working as a journalist for over a decade. He has reported on various conflicts and humanitarian crises, including the Syrian civil war. He was in Syria to cover the humanitarian situation in the country.

Abduction and plea for help

According to reports, Mohamed was taken from his hotel in the city of Idlib, which is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a militant group. His family and colleagues have been trying to locate him, but there has been no official confirmation of his whereabouts or the identity of his captors.

In a desperate plea for help, Mohamed's family has appealed to the South African government, international organizations, and the public to intervene and secure his release. They have also launched a social media campaign using the hashtag #FreeShiraaz to raise awareness about his situation.

International response

The South African government has expressed concern over Mohamed's disappearance and has called for his safe release. The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) has also issued a statement urging the international community to assist in securing his freedom.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) have also condemned Mohamed's abduction and called for his immediate release.

Ongoing efforts

Mohamed's family and colleagues are working tirelessly to locate him and secure his release. They have been in touch with the South African government, international organizations, and other journalists to gather information and coordinate efforts.

The public can help by sharing the hashtag #FreeShiraaz on social media and raising awareness about Mohamed's situation. It's crucial to keep the pressure on his captors and the international community to secure his safe release.

Let's hope that Shiraaz Mohamed is reunited with his loved ones soon and that his ordeal comes to an end.