South africa 3 0 lesotho banyana banyana too strong for crocodiles

It seems like you're referring to a football match between South Africa's women's national team, Banyana Banyana, and Lesotho's women's national team, the Crocodiles.

Yes, it appears that South Africa's Banyana Banyana dominated the match, winning 3-0 against Lesotho. The team's strong performance is not surprising, given their experience and skill level.

Banyana Banyana is one of the top-ranked women's national teams in Africa, and they have a strong track record of competing at the highest level. They have represented South Africa at several international tournaments, including the FIFA Women's World Cup and the Africa Women Cup of Nations.

Lesotho's Crocodiles, on the other hand, are a relatively new team and are still developing their skills and experience. While they may not have had the same level of success as Banyana Banyana, they are still a talented team and will likely continue to improve with time.

Overall, it was a great match for Banyana Banyana, and they will likely be looking to build on this performance as they continue to compete at the highest level.