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Sonya Curry is an American basketball coach and the mother of three NBA players: Stephen Curry, Seth Curry, and Sydel Curry. Here's a brief biography:

Early Life and Education

Sonya Curry was born on May 30, 1972, in Raleigh, North Carolina. She grew up in a family of athletes and was an excellent basketball player herself. She attended Virginia Tech, where she played college basketball and earned a degree in business administration.

Marriage and Family

Sonya married Dell Curry, a former NBA player, in 1996. They have three children together: Stephen (born 1988), Seth (born 1990), and Sydel (born 1992). Dell Curry played 16 seasons in the NBA, and Sonya has been a constant presence at her children's games and practices.

Coaching Career

Sonya Curry has been involved in basketball coaching for many years. She has coached at various levels, including high school, college, and youth leagues. In 2015, she became the head coach of the Charlotte Christian School girls' basketball team in North Carolina.

Net Worth

Sonya Curry's net worth is estimated to be around $10 million, primarily due to her husband's successful NBA career and her own coaching and business ventures.


As of 2023, Sonya Curry is 51 years old.

Interesting Facts

Overall, Sonya Curry is a dedicated mother, coach, and entrepreneur who has made a significant impact on the lives of her children and the basketball community.