Somebodys watching me mp3 download lyrics jesusful

It seems like you're looking for the song "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell, and you'd like to download the MP3 and get the lyrics. Here's what I can help you with:

MP3 Download: You can find the MP3 download of "Somebody's Watching Me" on various music streaming platforms and websites. Here are a few options:

  1. Amazon Music: You can purchase the song from Amazon Music and download it in MP3 format.
  2. iTunes: You can buy the song from iTunes and download it in MP3 format.
  3. Google Play Music: You can purchase the song from Google Play Music and download it in MP3 format.
  4. YouTube Music: You can find the song on YouTube Music and download it in MP3 format using a third-party converter.

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell:

"Somebody's watching me I always feel like somebody's watching me Somebody's watching me I always feel like somebody's watching me

I don't know who it is But I always feel like somebody's watching me I don't know who it is But I always feel like somebody's watching me

I don't know who it is But I always feel like somebody's watching me I don't know who it is But I always feel like somebody's watching me

Somebody's watching me I always feel like somebody's watching me Somebody's watching me I always feel like somebody's watching me"

Jesusful: I'm assuming you meant to type "Jesus Music" instead of "Jesusful." Jesus Music is a Christian music streaming platform that offers a wide range of Christian music, including worship songs, gospel music, and contemporary Christian music. You can find "Somebody's Watching Me" on Jesus Music, but it's not a typical Christian song, as it's a funk and R&B track from the 1980s.