Solskjaer likens ighalo to ronseal again sets man utd challenge

It seems like Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has done it again! He's likened Odion Ighalo to Ronseal, the popular DIY brand known for their "does exactly what it says on the tin" products.

In an interview, Solskjaer said: "Odion is like Ronseal, he's a goalscorer. He's a player who can score goals, and that's what we need."

He then set a challenge for Ighalo, saying: "I want him to be like Ronseal, to do exactly what he says on the tin. I want him to score goals, and I want him to be a threat in the box."

It's clear that Solskjaer is looking for Ighalo to be a reliable goal-scorer for Manchester United, and he's using the Ronseal analogy to emphasize the importance of Ighalo's role.

What do you think about Solskjaer's comments? Do you think Ighalo can live up to the Ronseal challenge?