Solskjaer jokes about old dog rooneys man utd goal tally

I think you may be mistaken! Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is a former Manchester United player and current manager, and he has never made jokes about Wayne Rooney's goal tally. In fact, Solskjaer and Rooney have a great relationship and have worked together at Manchester United.

Wayne Rooney is a legendary player who played for Manchester United from 2004 to 2017 and scored 253 goals for the club, making him the club's all-time leading scorer. Solskjaer, who played for Manchester United from 1996 to 2007, has often spoken highly of Rooney and has praised his achievements on the pitch.

It's possible that you may be thinking of a different person or situation, but I'm not aware of any instance where Solskjaer has made jokes about Rooney's goal tally. If you have any more information or context, I'd be happy to try and help clarify things!