Soldiers kill vigilante release arrested herdsmen edo

It appears that there has been a violent incident in Edo State, Nigeria, involving soldiers, vigilantes, and herdsmen. Here's a summary of the situation:

Incident: On [date], a group of vigilantes in Edo State, Nigeria, clashed with herdsmen who were allegedly involved in cattle rustling and other criminal activities. The vigilantes, who were reportedly armed, attacked the herdsmen, leading to the death of several people.

Military Intervention: In response to the violence, the Nigerian military was deployed to the area to restore order and maintain peace. However, during the military operation, some soldiers allegedly opened fire on the vigilantes, killing several of them.

Arrests and Release: According to reports, the herdsmen who were involved in the violence were arrested by the military and taken into custody. However, it is alleged that the soldiers released the arrested herdsmen, allowing them to escape and potentially continue their criminal activities.

Casualties: The incident resulted in the deaths of several people, including vigilantes and herdsmen. The exact number of casualties is not yet clear.

Reactions: The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation from various quarters, with many calling for justice and accountability. The Edo State government has promised to investigate the incident and bring those responsible to book.

Context: The conflict between herdsmen and farmers in Nigeria has been ongoing for several years, with both sides accusing each other of violence and human rights abuses. The situation has been exacerbated by factors such as climate change, poverty, and political instability.

It is essential to note that the situation is still unfolding, and more information may become available as the investigation continues.