Sokoto battles polio with 597 health facilities n400m counterpart funding

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Sokoto Battles Polio with 597 Health Facilities, N400m Counterpart Funding

The Sokoto State Government has launched a massive campaign to eradicate polio in the state, with the establishment of 597 health facilities and a counterpart funding of N400 million. The move is aimed at increasing access to healthcare services, particularly in rural areas, and reducing the incidence of polio in the state.

According to the State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Ali Inname, the health facilities will provide essential services, including routine immunization, to children under the age of five. The facilities will also offer other health services, such as antenatal care, delivery, and management of childhood illnesses.

The N400 million counterpart funding will be used to support the implementation of the polio eradication campaign, including the procurement of vaccines, logistics, and personnel costs. The funding is expected to cover the costs of conducting regular immunization campaigns, surveillance, and monitoring of the disease.

The Sokoto State Government has also partnered with international organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), to support the polio eradication efforts.

The establishment of the health facilities and the provision of counterpart funding are seen as significant steps towards reducing the incidence of polio in Sokoto State. The state has been one of the most affected by the disease in recent years, with several cases reported in recent months.

The polio eradication campaign is a global effort, and Sokoto State is one of the many states in Nigeria that is working towards achieving the goal of eradicating the disease. The campaign requires the support of governments, international organizations, and local communities to succeed.

Overall, the establishment of 597 health facilities and the provision of N400 million counterpart funding are significant steps towards improving healthcare services and reducing the incidence of polio in Sokoto State.