Soft news meaning

Soft news refers to news stories that are more entertainment-oriented, human-interest focused, or lighthearted, rather than hard-hitting or serious in nature. Soft news stories often prioritize storytelling and emotional appeal over in-depth reporting or analysis.

Examples of soft news include:

  1. Celebrity gossip or scandals
  2. Human-interest stories, such as heartwarming tales of everyday people overcoming challenges
  3. Trend pieces or feature stories on popular culture, fashion, or lifestyle
  4. Lighthearted or humorous articles, such as "top 10" lists or "fun facts"
  5. Profiles of interesting or unusual individuals
  6. Stories about animals or pets
  7. Travel or food articles that focus on leisure activities rather than serious issues
  8. Entertainment news, such as movie or TV show reviews
  9. Fashion or beauty trends
  10. "Feel-good" stories that aim to inspire or uplift readers

Soft news is often contrasted with hard news, which is more serious and focused on reporting on important events, issues, or investigations. Hard news typically involves in-depth reporting, analysis, and fact-checking to provide readers with accurate and informative information.

The distinction between soft and hard news is not always clear-cut, and many news outlets blend elements of both in their reporting. However, soft news is generally considered to be more focused on entertainment and human interest, while hard news is more focused on providing readers with accurate and informative information about important issues and events.