Soft news example journalism

Here are some examples of soft news in journalism:

  1. Human-interest stories: These stories focus on the personal experiences and emotions of individuals, often with a lighthearted or uplifting tone. Examples might include profiles of people who have overcome challenges, stories of unusual hobbies or talents, or features on community events.

Example: "Local Man's Unlikely Passion for Competitive Eating" (a human-interest story about a person who has gained fame for eating large amounts of food in a short time).

  1. Lifestyle features: These stories focus on the daily lives and interests of people, often with a focus on entertainment, fashion, or leisure activities. Examples might include reviews of restaurants, movies, or TV shows, or features on travel destinations.

Example: "The Best Brunch Spots in the City" (a lifestyle feature that reviews and recommends local restaurants).

  1. Celebrity profiles: These stories focus on the personal lives and interests of famous people, often with a focus on their hobbies, relationships, or charitable work. Examples might include interviews with celebrities, profiles of their personal lives, or features on their philanthropic efforts.

Example: "Behind the Scenes with Hollywood Starlet Emma Stone" (a celebrity profile that explores her personal life and interests).

  1. Listicles: These stories present information in a list format, often with a lighthearted or humorous tone. Examples might include "Top 10 Ways to Stay Healthy During Flu Season" or "5 Surprising Benefits of Meditation".

Example: "The 7 Most Bizarre Food Trends of the Year" (a listicle that explores unusual food trends).

  1. Faux investigative reporting: These stories present themselves as investigative reports, but are often more sensational or attention-grabbing than serious journalism. Examples might include " exposés" on minor scandals or "sting" operations that are more entertainment than serious journalism.

Example: "Shocking Investigation Reveals Local Restaurant's Dirty Secrets" (a faux investigative report that presents minor issues as major scandals).

  1. Fluff pieces: These stories are designed to be lighthearted and entertaining, often with a focus on feel-good or uplifting topics. Examples might include features on community events, profiles of inspiring individuals, or stories about unusual animals.

Example: "The Heartwarming Story of a Dog Who Became a Therapy Animal" (a fluff piece that tells a heartwarming story about a dog's work as a therapy animal).

  1. Gossip or rumor-mongering: These stories focus on rumors, speculation, or gossip about celebrities or public figures, often without fact-checking or serious reporting.

Example: "Sources Close to the Situation Claim [Celebrity] is Expecting a Baby" (a gossip piece that presents unverified rumors as fact).

It's worth noting that while soft news can be entertaining and engaging, it's often criticized for prioritizing sensationalism or entertainment over serious journalism and public interest.