Soft news definition

Soft news refers to news stories that are more informative and entertaining than hard news, which is typically focused on serious and factual reporting of current events. Soft news stories often have a more human interest angle and may include features, profiles, and human-interest stories that are designed to engage and entertain readers or viewers.

Soft news can take many forms, including:

  1. Human-interest stories: Stories that focus on the personal experiences and struggles of individuals, often with a heartwarming or uplifting outcome.
  2. Feature stories: In-depth profiles of people, places, or things that are of interest to readers or viewers.
  3. Trend stories: Stories that explore popular trends, fads, or cultural phenomena.
  4. Lifestyles stories: Stories that focus on topics such as food, travel, fashion, or entertainment.
  5. Profiles: Stories that focus on the lives and careers of celebrities, athletes, or other public figures.

Soft news is often used to attract a wider audience and to provide a break from the more serious and serious news coverage. It can also be used to provide a more lighthearted and entertaining perspective on current events.

Some examples of soft news include:

It's worth noting that the distinction between hard news and soft news is not always clear-cut, and many news organizations blend elements of both in their reporting. Additionally, the term "soft news" is sometimes used pejoratively to imply that a story is trivial or unimportant, but this is not necessarily the case.