Snapchat new logo

Snapchat has indeed introduced a new logo!

On September 14, 2021, Snapchat announced a rebranding effort, which includes a new logo, color palette, and typography. The new logo is a simplified and modernized version of the original Snapchat ghost, designed to better represent the company's evolution and growth.

Here's a breakdown of the new logo:

  1. Simplified ghost: The new logo features a more minimalist and rounded ghost design, which is meant to be more approachable and friendly.
  2. Color scheme: The primary color is a bright, bold yellow (#F7DC6F), which is meant to evoke feelings of optimism, creativity, and playfulness. The secondary color is a deep blue (#212121), used for text and backgrounds.
  3. Typography: The new logo features a custom-designed font, called "Snapchat Sans," which is meant to be modern, clean, and easy to read.

The rebranding effort is part of Snapchat's strategy to position itself as a more mature and sophisticated platform, while still maintaining its playful and creative spirit.

What do you think of the new logo?