Smile new data plans

Here are some new data plans from Smile, a telecommunications company in South Africa:

Smile Data Plans

Smile offers a range of data plans to suit different needs and budgets. Here are some of the plans:

Smile 10

Smile 20

Smile 50

Smile 100

Smile 200

Smile 500

Smile Add-ons

Smile also offers add-ons to its data plans, which can be purchased separately or added to an existing plan. These add-ons include:

Smile Data Boosters

Smile also offers data boosters, which can be purchased to increase the data allowance on your plan. These boosters include:

Please note that prices may vary depending on your location and the Smile store you purchase from. It's always a good idea to check with Smile or a authorized dealer for the latest pricing and plan information.