Slovakia election double murder haunts voters

You're referring to the 2019 Slovakian parliamentary election, which was marred by the murder of two investigative journalists, Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová, just days before the election.

The murder of the journalists, who were investigating corruption and organized crime, sent shockwaves through the country and raised concerns about the state of democracy and freedom of the press in Slovakia. The election was held on February 29, 2019, and the murder had a significant impact on the campaign and the outcome of the election.

The murder investigation was ongoing at the time of the election, and many voters were still reeling from the shock of the killings. The incident highlighted the risks faced by journalists and whistleblowers who dare to speak truth to power, and it raised concerns about the level of corruption and organized crime in the country.

The election was won by the opposition party, Smer-SD, which had been critical of the government's handling of the murder investigation. The party's leader, Robert Fico, was accused of being involved in the murder and was forced to resign as prime minister in the aftermath of the election.

The murder of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová has had a lasting impact on Slovakian politics and society. It has led to increased calls for greater transparency and accountability, and it has highlighted the need for greater protection for journalists and whistleblowers.

In the years since the election, Slovakia has made progress in addressing the issues raised by the murder, including the establishment of a special task force to investigate organized crime and corruption. However, the country still faces significant challenges in terms of ensuring the safety and security of its journalists and whistleblowers.

The murder of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting freedom of the press and the need for governments to take action to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.